Welcome to Swadesh Square's Suggestion Box!

Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to enhance your shopping experience. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions with us.To show our gratitude, we're offering a chance to win a $10 gift card to lucky participants each month!

How It Works:

  1. Share Your Suggestions:Ā Use the form below to submit your suggestions, feedback, or ideas on how we can improve Swadesh Square.
  2. Selection Process:Ā At the end of each month, our team will review all submissions and selectĀ few lucky participant to receive a $10 Swadesh Square gift card.
  3. Notification:Ā If your suggestion is chosen, we'll notify you via email and send you the gift card code to redeem on our website.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The $10 gift card prize has no cash value and can only be redeemed on the Swadesh Square website.
  • Swadesh Square reserves the right to modify or terminate this promotion at any time without prior notice.

Fill Your Suggestion Here :

Contact Information

WhatsApp : +91 8866465531
Contact Mail : Support@swadeshsquare.com

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